1.   No wonder Clinton defenders are venting their outrage at Kenneth Starr.

2.   Unhappy Quebecers, meanwhile, are jamming radio call-in lines and otherwise venting their outrage at this latest perceived assault on their French-based culture.

3.   What the NFL will do is fine Kendall and his teammates and coaches for venting their outrage instead of sanctioning the principals involved.

4.   Belgians started spontaneous strikes and protests across the nation Tuesday, venting their outrage over the discharge of the chief investigator into a murderous child-sex ring.

5.   But the meeting dragged on for eight hours because members vented their outrage over having not been consulted in advance.

6.   The mob vented its outrage on a handful of businesses in Skopje owned by ethnic Albanians, ransacking and destroying them, Macedonian state televsion reported.

7.   Though the protest groups are glad to have a forum for venting their outrage, they are not overly optimistic of blocking the expropriation.

8.   While some Chinese are fearful of criticizing their government to foreign news media, parents freely vented their outrage.

9.   They used the day on which France celebrates its liberty to vent their outrage at the resumption planned for September of nuclear testing at Mururoa Atoll.

v. + outrage >>共 160
express 29.23%
spark 13.48%
provoke 9.88%
cause 8.79%
voice 3.35%
trigger 3.18%
prompt 3.18%
stir 1.51%
draw 1.42%
follow 1.34%
vent 0.75%
vent + n. >>共 109
anger 29.57%
frustration 22.14%
rage 5.20%
feeling 3.71%
fury 2.67%
spleen 2.67%
attic 1.78%
gas 1.49%
steam 1.49%
outrage 1.34%
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