1.   Bottom aeration can also help vent unpleasant gases like hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane that originate below the surface.

2.   Almost all of the publicized poisonings have involved people swimming off houseboats, close to the area where gas is vented.

3.   If the pressure rises, you know where to vent the gas.

4.   In addition, be sure that all combustion gases are properly vented to the outside.

5.   One reason is that comets tend to vent gases that can alter their orbits, making them hard to predict.

6.   Since no waste gases are vented outside, practically all the heat a ventless fireplace produces stays in the room.

7.   The site has been capped, the methane gas vented and the water treated.

8.   Scientists say the volcano has been slowly filling up with magma, or molten rock, which blocks conduits through which gases are vented.

9.   That magma blocks conduits through which gases are vented.

10.   Workers on Sunday drilled more wells designed to vent the gas trapped below the city.

v. + gas >>共 351
use 7.73%
pump 3.97%
buy 3.82%
release 3.66%
sell 3.41%
produce 3.11%
reduce 2.61%
carry 2.36%
supply 2.36%
transport 2.11%
vent 0.50%
vent + n. >>共 109
anger 29.57%
frustration 22.14%
rage 5.20%
feeling 3.71%
fury 2.67%
spleen 2.67%
attic 1.78%
gas 1.49%
steam 1.49%
outrage 1.34%
每页显示:    共 10