1.   They also must quickly establish security in areas vacated by the Serbs to prevent looting and vendetta killings of Serb civilians by ethnic Albanians seeking revenge for atrocities.

2.   They must quickly establish security in areas vacated by the Serbs to prevent looting and vendetta killings of Serb civilians by ethnic Albanians seeking revenge for atrocities.

3.   Vendetta killings are not uncommon in Yemen.

4.   Vendetta killings are not unusual in southern Egypt.

5.   But Abu-Samahdana laughed off any possibility of vendetta killings.

6.   With militant activity quieting in the region, police decided to change their tactics after the inter-clan vendetta killings in early May and to pursue armed civilians.

7.   Many of the cases involved accidental mishandling of the weapons, although rival gangs were also engaging in vicious vendetta killings.

8.   The efforts to prevent bloodshed coincided with a vendetta killing in the autonomous Gaza Strip.

n. + killing >>共 202
contract 17.18%
revenge 11.11%
penalty 5.56%
reprisal 4.32%
police 4.01%
honor 3.60%
execution-style 2.67%
mob 2.16%
gangland-style 1.85%
school 1.85%
vendetta 0.82%
vendetta + n. >>共 11
killing 42.11%
victim 10.53%
againsjg 5.26%
culture 5.26%
date 5.26%
journalism 5.26%
piece 5.26%
politics 5.26%
regionwide 5.26%
vortex 5.26%
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