1.   Stomach ulcers and other digestive disorders are rife and there is a high mortality rate amongst veal calves despite their brief lifetime.

2.   Another government investigation has also found clenbuterol in livestock feed destined for veal calves.

3.   Because veal calves do not live long enough to develop any appreciable amount of intramuscular fat, their meat is quite lean.

4.   Grandstand seats that penned you in like a veal calf.

5.   In presentations, he shows a slide of a veal calf in a stall.

6.   Lash the dog to the nightstand, or pen her like a veal calf.

7.   She tells stories, in rough-hewn prose, of alcoholism and the value of ugliness and butchered veal calves and rape and self-mutilation.

8.   They moved about like penned veal calves.

9.   They get married and adopt a veal calf.

10.   Veal calves are raised in cruel and grotesque conditions.

n. + calf >>共 36
veal 22.08%
bull 6.49%
elk 6.49%
whale 6.49%
beef 5.19%
oryx 5.19%
baby 3.90%
buffalo 3.90%
twin 3.90%
dolphin 2.60%
veal + n. >>共 63
shank 13.74%
calf 9.34%
stock 5.49%
cutlet 4.40%
chops 3.85%
sweetbread 3.85%
dish 3.30%
chop 2.75%
steak 2.75%
goulash 2.20%
每页显示:    共 17