1.   Hands-on experiences require classroom arrangements that facilitate movement, group work, and varied activities.

2.   Snowball advocates varying our activities as much as possible.

3.   Shipboard activities were nicely varied.

4.   The more varied the activities, Guttman says, the less likely it is that a child will be injured.

5.   Elsewhere in the metals complex, activity was varied.

v. + activity >>共 792
monitor 2.80%
limit 2.16%
coordinate 2.00%
finance 1.92%
report 1.69%
resume 1.57%
ban 1.54%
curb 1.54%
conduct 1.47%
increase 1.47%
vary 0.09%
vary + n. >>共 309
degree 3.00%
reason 2.16%
pace 2.16%
level 2.00%
amount 1.83%
routine 1.66%
route 1.66%
style 1.50%
lot 1.33%
diet 1.33%
activity 0.83%
每页显示:    共 5