1.   Many of the plants that have spread over this varied terrain are the offspring of those first gifts.

2.   McCanlies and cinematographer Andrew Dintenfass shoot with an eye toward the wide-open spaces, being careful to capture the varied terrain of the rugged Davis Mountains.

3.   The storms will be most numerous during the afternoon when the uneven heating of the varied terrain promotes vigorous rising currents of moistened air.

4.   The tropics are the focus of most of the plant surveys because climate, varied terrain and rainfall make tropical rain forests a vast botanical garden of biological diversity.

5.   The tour is suitable for skiers comfortable with varied terrain.

6.   The work is split into easy stages as you make your way along delightfully varied terrain, through colorful wildflowers and in the shadow of gorgeous High Sierra peaks.

7.   Uneven heating of the varied terrain will also spark isolated thunderstorms across the southern Rockies.

8.   Five multi-mission campaigns across varied terrains.

a. + terrain >>共 390
rugged 9.79%
sloping 9.03%
mountainous 8.76%
rough 5.73%
higher 5.14%
difficult 4.49%
hilly 4.43%
rocky 2.38%
new 2.16%
steep 1.73%
varied 0.43%
varied + n. >>共 345
background 3.28%
diet 3.01%
career 2.74%
group 2.19%
interest 1.92%
selection 1.64%
lot 1.50%
response 1.37%
range 1.23%
experience 1.23%
terrain 1.09%
每页显示:    共 8