1.   I too have a vague sense that something is wrong because Beate never mentions her husband, Uldis, when we talk.

2.   In this vague sense animals likewise choose, and are aware and intelligent by our definitions.

3.   So too did Communism, in the vague sense of economic and social equality.

4.   So what was this vague sense of excitement that seemed to be stirring within her?

5.   The vague sense of depression that had settled over her in the library began to slip away.

6.   She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.

7.   The museum exhibit was just so-so, and we returned home with a vague sense of letdown.

8.   There was a vague sense of anticlimax mingled with her vast feeling of freedom.

9.   Fortunately, the following morning I had nothing to do in particular, so I had a chance to live through a vague sense of hangover.

a. + sense >>共 1386
good 7.00%
strong 3.57%
perfect 3.14%
false 2.50%
great 2.21%
economic 2.19%
growing 2.10%
real 1.85%
new 1.80%
keen 1.45%
vague 0.39%
vague + n. >>共 367
promise 6.16%
idea 4.01%
term 3.12%
threat 2.85%
sense 2.77%
notion 2.59%
memory 2.14%
language 2.05%
wording 1.78%
statement 1.69%
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