1.   Baldwin treated the matter with the utmost seriousness.

2.   Security matters are treated with the utmost seriousness.

3.   All this coaching is accomplished with the utmost seriousness.

4.   But for every fairgoer who approaches the event with the utmost seriousness, there are several who revel in its sheer goofiness.

5.   Even in an administration that treated civil liberties with the utmost seriousness, such violations could happen.

6.   If the media took every threat with utmost seriousness, much of what people do every day would become impossible.

7.   It is also true, however, that the Clinton administration has made clear to Arafat repeatedly that any return to violence would be viewed with utmost seriousness.

8.   Shyamalan treats his journey toward self-discovery with the utmost seriousness and empathy.

9.   The government says it treats all the calls with the utmost seriousness, even though some of the accusations are harder to prove than others.

10.   These competitions, need one add, were treated with utmost seriousness.

a. + seriousness >>共 86
utmost 8.38%
deadly 6.59%
high 6.59%
new 6.59%
potential 4.79%
great 4.19%
greater 2.99%
essential 2.99%
same 2.40%
increasing 1.80%
utmost + n. >>共 95
importance 18.60%
respect 14.94%
care 6.40%
seriousness 4.27%
effort 3.96%
confidence 3.96%
secrecy 2.74%
caution 2.74%
restraint 1.83%
urgency 1.83%
每页显示:    共 14