1.   Crews will install wires on utility poles in some older neighborhoods.

2.   The system uses microphones that are mounted atop utility poles and buildings to record gunshots and immediately relay a signal to police.

3.   And he got the job only after it was declined by two utility poles and a bread truck.

4.   Applications will include movie sets, military uses, protection of utility poles ... anyplace something can burn.

5.   Around Maine, utility poles began snapping like kindling.

6.   As Smith changed the song on the stereo, he lost control of his sport utility vehicle, slamming into a utility pole.

7.   Beside it is a white wooden bench stuck on a utility pole hook.

8.   Beside it, a white wooden bench is stuck on a utility pole hook.

9.   A camera fixed to a utility pole studied passing couples.

10.   A fire broke out at the General Wood plant in Leland, which makes utility poles.

a. + pole >>共 246
utility 15.24%
foul 9.48%
light 6.97%
long 4.13%
metal 3.97%
wooden 3.73%
electric 3.32%
fishing 2.51%
provisional 2.35%
first 2.27%
utility + n. >>共 344
vehicle 29.78%
company 10.07%
pole 4.38%
bill 4.29%
stock 3.87%
industry 3.08%
player 2.61%
infielder 2.22%
official 1.56%
worker 1.47%
每页显示:    共 187