1.   Life on the ship involves no rent checks or utility bills.

2.   Tenants who skip out on utility bills are the focus of a new law.

3.   That effort raises funds to help low-income households pay their utility bills.

4.   The program includes brochures, direct mail, television and radio ads, utility bill inserts and the live-operator call center.

5.   Also look out for utility bills, such as electricity, opened by thieves using your Social Security number.

6.   And for many families, paying a utility bill or having enough money for groceries is more important than having a phone.

7.   And the government will put a ceiling on utility bills.

8.   And we have retirees on a fixed income who are interested in keeping their utility bills low.

9.   Angel Bracero says that new church will use space in his building for free but contribute half of the utility bill.

10.   As in Massachusetts, consumers will pay stranded costs through their monthly utility bills.

a. + bill >>共 540
spending 11.32%
similar 5.04%
new 4.88%
medical 3.08%
final 2.49%
republican 1.90%
utility 1.75%
unpaid 1.73%
proposed 1.54%
legal 1.52%
utility + n. >>共 344
vehicle 29.78%
company 10.07%
pole 4.38%
bill 4.29%
stock 3.87%
industry 3.08%
player 2.61%
infielder 2.22%
official 1.56%
worker 1.47%
每页显示:    共 183