1.   In the procedure, a catheter is inserted into the groin and threaded up to the uterine arteries under X-ray guidance.

2.   Next they measured blood flow through the uterine arteries by ultrasound, looking for irregularities indicating resistance.

3.   You might also ask about uterine artery embolization.

4.   ------ Uterine artery embolization, the blocking of vessels supplying blood to uterine fibroids, using a catheter inserted in the groin and X-ray imaging.

5.   The shrinkage Gedroyc found was less than others have reported with a technique called uterine artery embolization.

a. + artery >>共 173
blocked 14.55%
clogged 12.81%
main 8.73%
major 8.73%
carotid 8.27%
narrowed 2.44%
open 2.21%
key 1.63%
small 1.40%
mammary 1.28%
uterine 0.58%
uterine + n. >>共 39
cancer 37.31%
contraction 10.36%
lining 10.36%
wall 8.29%
rupture 5.70%
fibroid 3.63%
artery 2.59%
muscle 2.07%
infection 1.55%
tissue 1.55%
每页显示:    共 5