1.   Berger said Wednesday that the commission would put other cases aside to complete a preliminary investigation in two months instead of the usual six.

2.   Fortunately, Campbell dressed seven defensemen instead of the usual six.

3.   In part because Holik was unable to play, Devils Coach Jacques Lemaire dressed seven defensemen instead of the usual six.

4.   The Queens museum will be open only five days a week, rather than the usual six, closing Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

5.   The Rangers dressed seven defensemen, instead of the usual six.

6.   With three forwards out with injuries, Campbell dressed seven defensemen instead of the usual six.

7.   In addition to a short preparation, they get only three days instead of the usual six, they have to travel to Dallas or Detroit each year.

8.   Lacking consensus, the council agreed to extend oil-for-food for one month, instead of the usual six, to allow more time for negotiations.

9.   The U.N. Security Council last month warned Angola by voting to renew the peace keeping mission by only three months instead of the usual six.

10.   The world body angered Iraq by renewing its oil-for-food export program for one month instead of the usual six.

a. + six >>共 192
top 12.38%
last 10.32%
the 9.34%
first 6.80%
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huge 3.40%
straight 2.91%
past 1.94%
big 1.70%
usual 1.33%
usual + n. >>共 2049
self 2.26%
suspect 2.19%
way 1.55%
practice 1.53%
number 1.18%
method 0.86%
style 0.69%
manner 0.60%
amount 0.58%
role 0.58%
six 0.18%
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