1.   The second issue focuses on how the user interacts with the information system.

2.   By manipulating the glove, the user can interact with the virtual world, handling and manipulating objects or using a repertoire of gestures as commands.

3.   Gates demonstrated how the technology might work using three-dimensional graphics and voice recognition, so that the user can interact with the computer by speaking.

4.   However, a monitor is one of four key components through which users interact with a PC, including the keyboard, mouse and speakers.

5.   Plus users can interact with the information as if it is a video game.

6.   The Shockwave format enables users to interact with images on their computer screen.

7.   The site also allows users to interact through a virtual bike race.

8.   The web site is also to include periodic interactive conferences in which Internet users can interact with noted authors.

9.   They do that through large host computers called servers and also by providing a network where two users can interact directly with each other.

10.   Users also could interact with the video material.

n. + interact >>共 193
people 7.81%
disturbance 5.73%
user 4.17%
air 2.60%
system 2.08%
character 1.82%
drug 1.82%
player 1.82%
child 1.56%
viewer 1.56%
user + v. >>共 888
be 9.63%
have 5.75%
get 2.03%
need 1.82%
find 1.79%
download 1.70%
see 1.48%
send 1.48%
want 1.33%
make 1.28%
interact 0.24%
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