1.   The desk would have various microfilm viewing positions to enable a user to compare different items alongside each other.

2.   The users can compare all these possibilities and develop a prototype before making up their minds on a final design.

3.   BuyTrek then will allow the buyer to view the same item at other sites, enabling the user to compare.

4.   It lets users compare stocks and evaluate them based on fundamental measures.

5.   It allows users to compare wireless plans available in their areas.

6.   It also allows users to compare sites, based on whether they are old hands at buying homes or new to the real estate market.

7.   It also provides a tracking system so users can compare their heart rate and cholesterol over time.

8.   Junglee has created software enabling Internet users to compare the prices and features of products for sale on any number of sites spread across the World Wide Web.

9.   One section allows users to compare the nuances of Turkish ballads with those in the similar language of Uighur.

n. + compare >>共 630
researcher 4.18%
study 3.90%
people 2.13%
official 1.63%
critic 1.13%
consumer 1.13%
rate 1.13%
student 1.13%
investor 0.99%
doctor 0.99%
user 0.85%
user + v. >>共 888
be 9.63%
have 5.75%
get 2.03%
need 1.82%
find 1.79%
download 1.70%
see 1.48%
send 1.48%
want 1.33%
make 1.28%
compare 0.18%
每页显示:    共 12