1.   This suggests that, while disulfiram is not a panacea, it does have a useful role in selected patients.

2.   While some pundits denounce them, I believe they play a useful role, keeping politicians and central bankers honest.

3.   They also recognised the useful role which the EC could play in such a conference.

4.   While stamp duties of various kinds played a useful role in wartime, especially when they could be attached to particular loans, their total importance was slight.

5.   MRI may also have a useful role in monitoring response and detecting relapse in patients with diffuse bone marrow malignancies such as leukaemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma.

6.   Video has a useful role to play in interpretations of history.

7.   In that way the buildings would be saved and continue to play a useful role.

8.   Almost every day at the Washington drug clinic where I work as a psychiatrist, race plays a useful diagnostic role.

9.   At times, heresy has played a useful role, in terms of clarifying church teachings.

10.   Bill Warmington, an equity analyst with Robinson-Humphrey, said Safir should play a useful role in helping ChoicePoint develop efficient information search tools for law enforcement.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
useful 0.20%
useful + n. >>共 760
information 9.91%
tool 4.85%
purpose 2.77%
life 2.44%
way 2.26%
feature 1.90%
role 1.42%
advice 1.28%
function 1.17%
thing 1.17%
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