1.   Both the city of Austin and the Lower Colorado River Authority joined in the suit, demanding that Longhorn conduct an environmental impact study before using the pipeline.

2.   If Chevron invests in the project, it could also use the pipeline to transport oil from the huge Tengiz field it manages in western Kazakhstan.

3.   Pacific Pipeline president Norman L. Rooney said there should be some environmental benefits from using a pipeline.

4.   Some are using their pipelines into the home to sell new products and services.

5.   Thailand wants to use the pipeline to promote industrialization in its southern provinces.

6.   The company, said Michael Townshend, its director of international affairs, has set a deadline of next October for raising financing and commitments to use the pipeline.

7.   The key to liberalization is the ability of new entrants to use existing pipelines at a fair price.

8.   The oil companies removed themselves as owners Monday, while signing an agreement to use the pipeline once it is completed, said Barbara Kornylo, Texaco spokeswoman.

9.   Tourists, like this one near Fairbanks, sometimes use the pipeline to get a better vantage point for taking pictures.

10.   Under the terms of the agreement, TransTexas still will be able to transport gas from its Bob West field using pipelines now owned by Conoco.

v. + pipeline >>共 200
build 20.19%
operate 3.77%
repair 3.28%
use 3.16%
damage 2.07%
own 1.95%
sabotage 1.70%
lay 1.58%
include 1.46%
have 1.34%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
pipeline 0.03%
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