1.   Critics doubted that the freeze period would be used as intended by the Council to resolve possible conflicts between the relevant legislation and the Bill.

2.   And it would in our view give a more accurate reflection of current trends if a shorter period were used.

3.   If there are regular fluctuations, these will be eradicated by using a period equal to the length of the fluctuation.

4.   But how wisely are we using a period that, in the wide sweep of history, may turn out to be just a breathing space?

5.   Echoing others who have talked to the vice president, Neel noted that Gore wanted to use this period constructively.

6.   In the House, many representatives used the period at the beginning of the day reserved for one-minute speeches to denounce plans for an invasion.

7.   Instead of using this period of economic growth to pay down debt and save for rainy days, millions are feverishly shopping for more clothes, toys and meals.

8.   Iraq used this period to try to extricate itself from international monitoring and economic pressure.

9.   Most states have used this period to get their fiscal houses in order and their debts under control.

10.   Rather than being an automatic liability, these critical periods may be used to develop powerful attachments to particular objects, situations or people.

v. + period >>共 268
have 7.59%
enter 6.64%
spend 5.18%
extend 5.00%
follow 5.00%
end 2.85%
experience 2.16%
use 1.73%
produce 1.73%
enjoy 1.73%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
period 0.02%
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