1.   Some environmentalists have expressed concern that using old mines as waste dumps could be both dangerous and expensive.

2.   Also, he said, for all the talk of options to using mines along the DMZ, none has been found that the U.S. military considers reliable.

3.   Both sides formally deny they are planting mines, although the Northern Alliance has admitted informally to the European Union that it has used mines.

4.   But Chechen guerrillas have fought on, using mines to kill and maim Russian soldiers.

5.   But that position gives other nations an opening to continue using old-fashioned mines, which remain active until someone trips over them.

6.   But this may set a bad example, encouraging other countries to make exceptions for places they want to use mines.

7.   But U.S. military leaders have wanted to keep the option of using self-destructing mines that become inoperative after a set period of time.

8.   For example, the United States wanted an extra nine years to keep using mines to protect South Korea from an invasion by North Korea.

9.   For example, the rebels agreed to refrain from using anti-personnel mines in conflict zones and renounced the kidnappings of the elderly, children and pregnant women.

10.   It also wanted a provision that would allow it to use anti-personnel mines when they had been laid to protect enemy soldiers from reaching anti-tank mines.

v. + mine >>共 281
hit 7.52%
plant 6.95%
clear 6.14%
lay 5.64%
remove 4.95%
close 3.95%
ban 2.76%
use 2.57%
operate 2.07%
find 2.01%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
mine 0.05%
每页显示:    共 41