1.   Federal regulations originally prohibited a station from using the initials of any living president or of the United States or its agencies or departments.

2.   For a time, she thought about using her initials M.A. Atwood as her writing name.

3.   He used the initials to refer to the Nationalist Party.

4.   His next notice from the city fixed the capitals but used the initials.

5.   I replied I was thinking of using my initials, LRK or LR.

6.   One asked that only her initials be used, because she had received death threats in response to postings on other forums.

7.   Snyder just uses an initial, although he lets it be known that he expects to be addressed by any and all underlings as Mr. Snyder.

8.   Sir Victor preferred to use his initials because, he once said, he liked their anonymity.

9.   The other Jim Miller now uses his initials on the road.

10.   This playing with normal style was pioneered by the poet Edward Estlin Cummings, who liked to use lower-case initials.

v. + initial >>共 61
use 12.88%
carve 9.09%
bear 6.82%
put 6.82%
have 4.55%
find 3.79%
wear 3.79%
sign 3.03%
add 1.52%
bore 1.52%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
initial 0.02%
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