1.   People would be forbidden to use lighter fluid to start their backyard barbecues.

2.   Other fluids are sometimes used because they give better values of the governing parameters or because they have properties particularly appropriate to an experiment.

3.   Both steps use fluids that contain glycols, chemicals that have a lower freezing point than water.

4.   A third member said she used botanical fluid to help her relax.

5.   Do not use lighter fluid to start the fire.

6.   Enyart and his cohorts were restricted from using lighter fluid, and the area had to be taped off by police before the protest could begin.

7.   If a spill occurs on a non-washable fabric, use dry-cleaning fluid instead.

8.   Instead of dumping Gatorade on him, the next time they should use embalming fluid.

9.   Other swifts also use salivary fluids from special glands to glue nests together and attach them to walls.

10.   Such fluids are commonly used in industrial workplaces to cool and lubricate parts during machining.

v. + fluid >>共 158
drain 12.13%
receive 5.70%
give 5.33%
drink 3.68%
take 3.31%
remove 2.94%
use 2.57%
replace 2.39%
have 2.39%
replenish 1.84%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
fluid 0.02%
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