1.   Invertebrates sometimes use local circuits in the periphery, but many actions demand an integrated response of many parts of the body.

2.   Radial circuits are sometimes used for socket outlets, where installing a ring circuit would waste cable.

3.   Firstly, the circuit above is used as the prime explanatory device.

4.   Animals use these circuits to know what to attend to, what to ignore and what is worth learning about.

5.   He owns a small workshop that assembles electronic gadgets using circuits from Singapore.

6.   Researchers have found that those same circuits are used by the human brain to assess social rewards.

7.   The delay will affect a version of the Pentium III that will achieve increased speeds by using tinier circuits.

8.   The user is typically billed for the length of time the private circuit is being used.

9.   ASIC circuits are used in audio visual equipment to process signals, sounds and pictures.

10.   The connection was made using telephone circuits to Germany, where an uplink station beamed up the image to a Russian satellite and back down to Moscow.

v. + circuit >>共 162
complete 6.47%
race 6.47%
make 4.04%
use 3.23%
close 2.96%
etch 2.96%
create 2.43%
dominate 2.16%
travel 1.89%
hit 1.62%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
circuit 0.01%
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