1.   Where the consensus broke down was over the means used to achieve the goals.

2.   QALYs are a method of assessing the health benefits of a given procedure against the resources used to achieve it.

3.   As we shall see, if the interest rate is used to control exchange rates, it cannot at the same time be used to achieve money supply targets.

4.   Such agreements are often used to achieve a Shut-out.

5.   Evidence has been emerging that in some circumstances adult stem cells might be used to achieve the same medical benefits, thus avoiding the need to use embryos.

6.   Republicans questioned the disruptive parliamentary methods Democrats were using to achieve their goal.

7.   The tax system can be used to achieve ecological goals, Henkel maintained.

8.   Whether driven by private funds here or by the investment of public money by foreign governments, embryonic cells will be used to achieve breakthroughs to cures.

9.   Canada opposes violence being used to achieve Mideast political goals, a Canadian official said Monday, but said that Syria disagreed.

v. + achieve >>共 114
do 11.06%
work 10.58%
use 7.69%
be 2.88%
have 2.88%
tailor 2.88%
need 2.40%
can 1.44%
beat 1.44%
merge 1.44%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
achieve 0.09%
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