1.   Use of diuretics that increase the urinary excretion of bicarbonate can cause metabolic acidosis.

2.   In coeliac disease patients who had not been treated both total and nephrogenous cAMP urinary excretion were inversely related to serum calcium values.

3.   Its endogenous synthesis and urinary excretion have been well established, but no consensus exists concerning the mode of intestinal absorption.

4.   The maximal urinary excretion of PABA was found three or four hours after PABA instillation.

5.   Free PABA is rapidly absorbed and excreted in the urine, so that the urinary excretion of PABA reflects the activity of intestinal bactria.

a. + excretion >>共 22
faecal 20.83%
urinary 12.50%
fat 10.42%
excessive 6.25%
renal 6.25%
biliary 4.17%
increased 4.17%
normal 4.17%
significant 4.17%
camp 2.08%
urinary + n. >>共 47
incontinence 20.00%
infection 19.31%
problem 6.21%
prion 5.52%
excretion 4.14%
system 3.45%
disorder 2.76%
catheter 2.07%
loss 2.07%
retention 2.07%
每页显示:    共 6