1.   It recommends a full evaluation study of the problem, and urges an end to the disagreement in the Council of Ministers over regulations governing finance for pollution research.

2.   And he got the Russians to join in urging an end to the Arab boycott of Israel.

3.   Abolitionists used it to urge the end of slavery.

4.   Doctors urge an end to the practice.

5.   Even as executives like Andreas are urging an end to the embargo, a Republican bill in Congress would tighten it considerably.

6.   He also urged an end to the broadcasting ban that restricts his appearance on British television and radio.

7.   In Washington, President Bush urged an end to the violence.

8.   Nethercutt, Lampson and other lawmakers urging an end to sanctions say the legislation is modest.

9.   Speaking to the National Urban League, he urges an end to the standoff in a Senate-House conference committee that imperils a centerpiece of his presidency.

10.   Speaking to the National Urban League, he urges an end to the standoff in a Senate-House standoff that imperils a centerpiece of his presidency.

v. + end >>共 703
put 11.89%
mark 8.85%
near 6.16%
bring 4.45%
demand 4.29%
mean 4.29%
negotiate 3.58%
signal 2.98%
see 2.79%
reach 2.41%
urge 1.58%
urge + n. >>共 828
caution 6.24%
authority 4.80%
restraint 4.30%
people 3.70%
end 2.67%
action 2.54%
government 2.42%
calm 1.53%
boycott 1.49%
support 1.39%
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