1.   However, virtually all were designed at least partially to house people and jobs from the older urban cores.

2.   It identified a series of constraints impinging on the urban cores and on many of those living within them.

3.   These functions, as mentioned earlier, are found increasingly beyond the urban cores.

4.   These groups tend to locate in the older urban cores as a result of factors examined earlier.

5.   Why have so many left the older urban cores?

6.   And they affect the urban core, where welfare reform has put more mothers to work and more children in need of child care.

7.   Because those charter schools also are located in the urban core, this means those households would probably stay in Kansas City.

8.   Bethany has struggled along with many other urban core hospitals in recent years.

9.   But Freedom has failed to get many of its endorsed candidates into office in recent years, even in races conducted largely within the urban core.

10.   But given the atmosphere of the Cold War, few, if any, protested their existence so close to the urban core.

a. + core >>共 363
inner 6.44%
very 3.76%
urban 3.76%
solid 3.54%
small 3.11%
central 3.01%
strong 2.79%
emotional 2.26%
so-called 1.29%
new 1.18%
urban + n. >>共 1273
area 15.82%
center 3.91%
life 2.37%
development 2.32%
school 1.57%
planner 1.45%
neighborhood 1.32%
legend 1.29%
dweller 1.03%
growth 1.00%
core 0.57%
每页显示:    共 35