1.   Both of those hurricanes uprooted hundreds of trees and caused extensive damage.

2.   It has also uprooted hundreds of thousands of Eritreans and destroyed, for perhaps many years, the once-close relationship between the two nations.

3.   Some US commentators said the mission would uproot hundreds of children less to save their lives than to satisfy adoption-hungry Americans.

4.   The guerrilla war has uprooted hundreds of thousands of peasants from the countryside, with many living in makeshift refugee camps.

5.   Community leaders are assuming their positions once again after the months-long Serb crackdown on Albanian separatists that killed hundreds and uprooted hundreds of thousands.

6.   The current rebellion against him began three years ago, launched with hit-and-run attacks in the north that have uprooted hundreds of thousands of civilians.

7.   The latest round of fighting, which began in mid-December, has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people and inflicted an unknown number of casualties.

8.   The latest upsurge of bloodshed, which began in mid-December, has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people and inflicted an unknown number of casualties.

9.   The upsurge of fighting has uprooted hundreds of thousands of people and inflicted an unknown number of casualties.

10.   Fighting has been raging between the Banyamulenge and Zairean government forces since earlier September, uprooting hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees and Zairean villagers.

v. + hundred >>共 1077
kill 5.93%
have 2.53%
spend 2.41%
cost 2.20%
arrest 2.09%
take 2.01%
send 2.01%
receive 1.97%
leave 1.36%
draw 1.28%
uproot 0.11%
uproot + n. >>共 107
tree 39.18%
family 6.70%
hundred 2.58%
settlement 2.58%
stump 2.32%
infrastructure 2.06%
weed 1.55%
child 1.55%
corruption 1.55%
thousand 1.55%
每页显示:    共 10