1.   Her one concern was to reach the upper chamber without being seen.

2.   Putin proposed stripping the regional leaders of their seats in the upper chamber of parliament.

3.   Readers will recognize the Ktesibios floating valve as the predecessor to the floating ball in the upper chamber of the porcelain throne.

4.   Tabitha had died and her body laid out in an upper chamber.

5.   Where else, she asked herself, than in the upper chamber which houses the princes!

6.   The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.

7.   As the largest single party in the upper chamber, however, the LDP could have commanded an overall majority if it had secured the support of Komeito.

8.   Division lists for the Lords suggest that definable parties existed in the upper chamber, although the pattern here was slightly less pronounced than for the Commons.

9.   At the best of times, the upper chamber hates being rushed.

a. + chamber >>共 388
lower 13.07%
upper 12.16%
the 8.37%
legislative 3.90%
council 3.33%
second 1.72%
burial 1.72%
main 1.66%
debating 1.38%
small 1.38%
upper + n. >>共 412
floor 7.78%
body 6.92%
deck 6.76%
chamber 4.91%
level 3.94%
arm 3.77%
reach 3.08%
echelon 3.01%
part 2.92%
corner 2.73%
每页显示:    共 211