1.   The refusal was upheld at a public inquiry.

2.   The majority upheld that refusal.

3.   The refusals had been upheld by every court.

4.   The refusals had been upheld in every court.

5.   So far, the security service has refused and a Moscow court has upheld the refusal.

6.   Okinawa Governor Masahide Ota appealed to the Supreme Court on Wednesday to uphold his refusal to renew land leases for US military forces.

v. + refusal >>共 116
reiterate 8.88%
follow 6.51%
repeat 5.62%
reconsider 3.25%
maintain 2.96%
include 2.66%
protest 2.66%
continue 2.37%
involve 2.37%
criticize 2.37%
uphold 1.78%
uphold + n. >>共 338
decision 8.58%
law 7.97%
ruling 6.69%
conviction 5.56%
sentence 5.09%
right 3.11%
ban 3.06%
verdict 2.50%
rule 2.26%
constitutionality 1.60%
refusal 0.28%
每页显示:    共 6