1.   Update the package to reference the module as SELECTED-ISSUE.

2.   If you are the package manager, you should update the package to select an approved issue of the module.

3.   If approved versions of the modules are required, then the package should be updated to SELECT the APPROVED versions.

4.   Second, the works induction training package should be updated, with particular emphasis being placed on the need for non-asbestos workers to be aware of potential problem.

5.   For instance, he updated interior design packages for the restaurants and made them more uniform.

6.   Package is updated with comments from Gennady Zyuganov, Russian Communist leader who says he will again reject Kiriyenko.

7.   --- JAPAN MISSILE WRAP - Updates earlier package with comment from Madeleine Albright in Sarajevo.

8.   APTV has comment from President Clinton and will continue to update the package.

9.   APTV will continue to update earlier packages.

10.   APTV will update the package throughout the day with additional reaction.

v. + package >>共 553
offer 6.50%
open 3.78%
approve 3.75%
announce 2.59%
send 2.43%
receive 2.34%
find 2.14%
deliver 2.08%
have 2.08%
pass 1.63%
update 0.99%
update + n. >>共 470
category 8.76%
information 4.03%
will 3.61%
list 2.61%
site 2.43%
story 2.25%
package 1.84%
software 1.72%
thruout 1.54%
advisory 1.42%
每页显示:    共 31