1.   And sometimes they send e-mail messages to Walsh and Pulver, updating the information on the size of their share-holdings.

2.   Given this new information, both the syntax and semantic processors can update their information accordingly.

3.   Simulators have come a long way in recent years and today many of them use screen addressing to update the information.

4.   The two claim it will allow developers to reverse- and forward-engineer C code without having to manually update information in each environment.

5.   You also Decide how frequently you want to update the information.

6.   To specify that a new DC is to be based on an existing DC, and to update the information to suit the new DC.

7.   This tells the user when the information contained in the relational database was last updated within LIFESPAN.

8.   For each of these types of information a date is maintained in the relational database indicating when that information was last updated within LIFESPAN.

9.   LIFESPAN makes use of special fields called Scrolled areas to allow you to view or update information which is best presented in a tabular form.

10.   This page enables you to update the information relating to the originator of the SPR.

v. + information >>共 422
provide 9.86%
have 8.76%
give 4.15%
share 3.81%
get 3.58%
release 3.04%
use 2.92%
gather 2.72%
receive 2.61%
seek 2.04%
update 0.30%
update + n. >>共 470
category 8.76%
information 4.03%
will 3.61%
list 2.61%
site 2.43%
story 2.25%
package 1.84%
software 1.72%
thruout 1.54%
advisory 1.42%
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