1.   Half of the elderly involved in murder-suicides have health problems, often with the husband suffering from untreated depression or substance abuse.

2.   He said this was worrisome because people with untreated depression are at risk of suicide.

3.   Studies show that half of children with untreated depression will lapse into the condition again within three years.

4.   This may sound funny, but untreated depression can hinder gratitude.

5.   Untreated depression, on the other hand, often results in social isolation, which only exacerbates the depression.

6.   Untreated depression in children can lead to severe emotional and developmental setbacks as well as further episodes of depression.

a. + depression >>共 278
tropical 12.63%
severe 8.73%
clinical 7.72%
postpartum 7.58%
manic 6.85%
deep 6.64%
major 4.04%
economic 3.68%
chronic 2.96%
mild 1.73%
untreated 0.43%
untreated + n. >>共 119
water 10.04%
sewage 9.29%
waste 5.58%
blood 5.20%
disease 3.35%
wood 2.60%
depression 2.23%
one 1.86%
patient 1.86%
infection 1.86%
每页显示:    共 6