1.   Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak flew to Syria Friday for unscheduled talks with President Hafez Assad on the Middle East peace process, Syrian officials said.

2.   Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Palestinian Parliament Speaker Ahmed Qureia and Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat held unscheduled talks, the official said on condition of anonymity.

3.   The unscheduled talks were held in the Red Sea port city of Jiddah.

4.   A Vatican envoy held unscheduled talks with Chinese officials in Beijing this week on the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations, Catholic Church sources said Thursday.

5.   After five hours of unscheduled talks late Monday ministers gave up trying to settle a row between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Jordan over the future of Jerusalem.

6.   After five hours of unscheduled talks late Monday ministers gave up trying to settle an angry row between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Jordan over the future of Jerusalem.

7.   But earlier in the week he held unscheduled talks with President Jacques Chirac along with Cameroon President Paul Biya, also on an unofficial trip here.

8.   The Palestinians fumed at press reports quoting Israeli negotiators that Savir had insisted Abbas change passages of his opening address, during two hours of unscheduled private talks.

9.   US and South Korean military leaders held unscheduled talks Wednesday and agreed to beef up defense readiness, military officials said.

10.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher held unscheduled talks with Syrian leaders here Tuesday as he tried to broker a resumption of stalled peace talks with Israel.

a. + talk >>共 659
further 5.02%
bilateral 3.73%
direct 3.60%
new 2.98%
high-level 2.30%
preliminary 2.20%
formal 2.13%
informal 1.96%
separate 1.92%
face-to-face 1.89%
unscheduled 0.08%
unscheduled + n. >>共 98
meeting 14.33%
stop 14.04%
landing 12.36%
visit 6.18%
trip 3.65%
talk 3.37%
absence 3.09%
day 3.09%
appearance 2.53%
maintenance 1.97%
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