1.   Baxter held on to the ball, and Stevens was handed an unnecessary roughness penalty.

2.   Haley forearmed Young in the head once and piled on Young later, bringing an unnecessary roughness flag.

3.   He had been penalized three times against the Bears that day for unnecessary roughness.

4.   He was called for unnecessary roughness and ejected.

5.   In the second round, Tyson had a point deducted by referee Richard Steele for unnecessary roughness.

6.   Referees flagged Gayle for unnecessary roughness and Young for taunting, but, if anything, they were unlikely participants.

7.   Reese and Marshall were both called for offensive holding, Marshall for unnecessary roughness and Reese for unsportsmanlike conduct.

8.   Stoutmire was fined for unnecessary roughness on Washington Redskins receiver Leslie Shepherd, who will miss the rest of the season with a dislocated left elbow and wrist.

9.   That tedious canvassing began Monday after action expanding rules governing unnecessary roughness and approving the sale of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

10.   Unnecessary roughness.

a. + roughness >>共 8
unnecessary 72.00%
natural 4.00%
necessary 4.00%
occasional 4.00%
only 4.00%
slight 4.00%
soft 4.00%
tactful 4.00%
unnecessary + n. >>共 530
risk 3.65%
suffering 1.94%
force 1.79%
expense 1.63%
cost 1.56%
delay 1.48%
surgery 1.40%
roughness 1.40%
treatment 1.32%
burden 1.24%
每页显示:    共 18