1.   Amid the cacophony of warring health care plans and partisan jibes, the public remains strongly committed to getting a plan passed and continues to endorse universal coverage.

2.   And either way, there would not be universal coverage, which would have brought the insurance companies millions of new customers.

3.   And there could be long-range implications for the economy if the debate over universal coverage continues to overshadow the issue of costs.

4.   And Wellstone recently introduced a bill that would give states large sums of federal money to help achieve the goal of universal insurance coverage.

5.   And without universal coverage, its logic collapses.

6.   And, when it becomes affordable, universal coverage should help to bring costs down further, as it has in other countries.

7.   As a result, Hawaii is the only state with required employer health benefits and near universal coverage.

8.   As they have in the past, advocates of universal insurance coverage retorted that some businesses were exaggerating their fears to duck responsibility to their workers.

9.   At a meeting a year ago, Mrs. Clinton argued to him that the best way to help children was to enact universal insurance coverage, Redlener said.

10.   At the same time, it is likely to fall well short of the universal coverage Clinton has said he would insist on.

a. + coverage >>共 725
insurance 8.73%
live 6.01%
universal 4.76%
medical 2.84%
health_care 2.74%
extensive 2.28%
man-to-man 2.28%
full 2.21%
double 1.88%
comprehensive 1.83%
universal + n. >>共 692
coverage 9.06%
suffrage 4.71%
service 3.11%
appeal 2.84%
access 2.33%
language 2.29%
support 1.65%
health 1.28%
bank 1.24%
truth 1.24%
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