1.   Units comprise discussion, reading, role play, writing assignment, vocabulary building, practice in points of grammar.

2.   The extent to which such units comprised a network supported by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a matter of widespread speculation.

3.   A linked unit comprises one deferred share in De Beers Consolidated and one Centenary depositary receipt.

4.   Each unit comprises one GreenMan common share and one redeemable class A common stock purchase warrant.

5.   The HFS Avis unit comprises operations in the U.S., Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand.

6.   Peacekeeping units comprised of ground troops are now being formed in the Moscow and Leningrad military districts.

7.   The spokesman did not say if Miyet outlined what such a unit would comprise.

8.   The unit comprises paratroopers, medics and communications specialists, and will go into combat if necessary.

9.   The unit mainly comprises a radio team which has already begun broadcasting messages on loudspeakers urging Chechen fighters to surrender.

n. + comprise >>共 390
group 10.03%
committee 4.85%
team 3.88%
alliance 1.94%
opposition 1.62%
government 1.62%
council 1.62%
delegation 1.51%
commission 1.40%
board 1.19%
unit 0.97%
unit + v. >>共 769
be 20.85%
have 4.79%
make 2.06%
include 1.56%
remain 1.41%
take 1.26%
continue 1.21%
operate 1.15%
come 1.00%
provide 0.98%
comprise 0.20%
每页显示:    共 9