1.   The United States should also take unilateral steps to show Mr Fujimori his conduct has a price.

2.   Any unilateral steps, acts or threats of terrorism, violence or other forms of aggression have no place in the process of peace.

3.   But Clinton also criticized Israel for taking unilateral steps, including building Jewish settlements on traditionally Arab land, that enraged the Palestinians.

4.   He urged the administration to take unilateral steps to cut emissions of carbon dioxide from automobiles, power plants and other sources.

5.   He said unilateral steps will not change Iranian behavior.

6.   In addition to taking unilateral U.S. steps to ease sanctions, Clinton urged the U.N. Security Council to begin selectively lifting international sanctions.

7.   Netanyahu violated that implicit bargain by engaging in unilateral steps in Jerusalem and the West Bank to create new facts on the ground before final-status talks.

8.   Netanyahu, speaking here on Monday, said he had told Arafat that any such unilateral step would force him to respond in kind and destroy the peace effort.

9.   Some Israeli leftists fear unilateral steps would further alienate the Palestinians, while right-wingers fear a withdrawal under fire would only embolden Palestinian militants.

10.   Suspending unilateral steps, such as development of disputed territories in East Jerusalem, is essential for rehabilitation of the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue.

a. + step >>共 566
first 21.66%
next 12.03%
important 3.07%
major 2.72%
big 2.08%
small 1.90%
unusual 1.78%
closer 1.57%
necessary 1.49%
such 1.47%
unilateral 0.24%
unilateral + n. >>共 180
action 14.17%
cease-fire 12.44%
sanction 7.32%
declaration 7.12%
withdrawal 6.92%
ceasefire 4.86%
decision 4.19%
move 3.39%
step 2.86%
truce 1.80%
每页显示:    共 43