1.   Mr Wills unfolds his story with evident enjoyment.

2.   An adventure game will unfold a story in puzzles.

3.   But none of this impedes the confident, effective way Dahl unfolds the story with unflagging wit and one-step-ahead-of-you ingenuity.

4.   They are an unlikely romantic couple, and LaGravenese uses unconventional methods to unfold their story.

v. + story >>共 516
tell 27.03%
have 4.20%
hear 3.24%
write 3.17%
read 2.01%
share 1.82%
change 1.81%
publish 1.59%
run 1.27%
know 1.25%
unfold 0.03%
unfold + n. >>共 68
map 5.05%
arm 4.04%
mirror 4.04%
napkin 4.04%
story 4.04%
way 4.04%
blanket 3.03%
event 3.03%
flag 3.03%
layer 2.02%
每页显示:    共 4