1.   We will undertake reform of the teacher training system to make it more effective in developing classroom skills.

2.   Prez de Cullar was quoted as saying that he welcomed the decision of the government to undertake reforms.

3.   However a structural reform was undertaken in an attempt to decentralize the workings of the party.

4.   A lot depends on whether governments use this pause to undertake serious reforms or avoid them.

5.   Adding to growing international pressure on Zimbabwe, Congress approved incentives on Tuesday intended to persuade President Robert Mugabe to halt government abuses and undertake market reforms.

6.   Clinton administration officials, however, are already discussing steps the West might take to demonstrate its support if Putin does undertake serious reform.

7.   Economically, this team can undertake the reforms that Russia needs to get growth.

8.   Economists say, though, that the economy minister, Domingo Cavallo, may not have bought enough time to undertake key reforms.

9.   He would give federal aid to failing public schools if they undertake reforms, but after a few years would shift to vouchers.

v. + reform >>共 551
implement 6.10%
introduce 3.08%
need 3.00%
support 2.75%
demand 2.49%
enact 2.48%
make 2.12%
promise 1.91%
carry 1.87%
discuss 1.85%
undertake 1.40%
undertake + n. >>共 290
project 8.07%
reform 5.64%
study 5.25%
work 3.52%
effort 3.52%
research 3.13%
task 2.82%
investigation 2.66%
action 2.27%
review 2.27%
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