1.   A personal computing project is undertaken by all students during the final year.

2.   An experimental research project is undertaken in the seventh term, usually at the students place of employment.

3.   Groups seem to be most successful when undertaking tangible projects, as Black Mountain was when building its second campus.

4.   Remember the New Testament warning, before you undertake a project, be sure to count the cost.

5.   Students will also undertake substantial projects during this year.

6.   We chose not to undertake the project because of the enormous costs involved.

7.   The basic tree consists of a network branching out from an initial decision of whether or not to undertake the project.

8.   At this time the LEA had set aside funds from the INSET budget, specifically for schools who wanted to undertake self-evaluation projects.

9.   A further restriction directly influencing the capacity to undertake projects is the availability of RandD resources.

v. + project >>共 905
finance 5.75%
complete 3.56%
fund 3.30%
approve 2.59%
support 2.10%
discuss 1.98%
delay 1.88%
develop 1.75%
launch 1.75%
have 1.55%
undertake 1.32%
undertake + n. >>共 290
project 8.07%
reform 5.64%
study 5.25%
work 3.52%
effort 3.52%
research 3.13%
task 2.82%
investigation 2.66%
action 2.27%
review 2.27%
每页显示:    共 102