1.   It also makes an ideal text to support an undergraduate degree course in analytical chemistry.

2.   For students with a good undergraduate degree in linguistics, computer science, psychology, philosophy, or another related subject.

3.   There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers.

4.   It is the only undergraduate degree in Scotland which qualifies for full exemption from the professional examinations of the Institute of Housing.

5.   And those are just the undergraduate degrees.

6.   Arthur Crosby, who is completing an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering at Northeastern University, fielded seven offers.

7.   At the time there were only half a dozen undergraduate degree programs.

8.   Barnes earned her undergraduate degree at Samford College in Birmingham, Ala., which has a cutting-edge education curriculum that puts students in classroom settings from day one.

9.   Besides his law degree, he holds an undergraduate degree in history from Bowdoin College.

10.   Born in New York City, he was educated at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned an undergraduate degree in economics.

a. + degree >>共 392
varying 14.75%
high 8.18%
honorary 6.68%
undergraduate 4.15%
graduate 3.69%
large 3.58%
medical 3.47%
first 2.96%
greater 2.72%
a 2.64%
undergraduate + n. >>共 122
degree 26.28%
student 10.07%
education 5.80%
course 3.58%
study 3.41%
work 2.90%
admission 2.56%
program 2.56%
year 2.56%
class 2.22%
每页显示:    共 153