1.   New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.

2.   General manager David Tarr started the ball rolling by undergoing training on the courses held at Everton Football Club.

3.   Another two surgeons are undergoing training at KLH and HUKM, and are expected to be ready by the end of next year.

4.   He said teams from Emirates navy were undergoing training in Germany.

5.   On Sunday, police arrested Mohammad Yunus, suspected of undergoing training with Lashkar-e Tayyaba.

6.   Russian television said reinforcements had been sent to Chechnya and other troops were undergoing training, but it was unclear what steps the Kremlin planned next in the war.

7.   The battalion undergoing training is expected to be operational by December.

8.   Three Sudanese rebels undergoing training in Eritrea have defected to the Khartoum government and said scores of others are dying in camps, press reports said here Tuesday.

9.   Several Taiwan military personnel, some of them accompanied by their families, have been undergoing training in Lorient since December.

a. + training >>共 802
military 10.29%
special 3.38%
formal 3.26%
vocational 2.90%
medical 2.42%
on-the-job 2.34%
pilot 2.13%
better 2.11%
additional 1.87%
professional 1.59%
undergoing 0.18%
undergoing + n. >>共 30
counseling 14.29%
training 14.29%
surgery 9.52%
chemotherapy 6.35%
dialysis 4.76%
test 4.76%
therapy 4.76%
treatment 4.76%
flight 3.17%
appendix 1.59%
每页显示:    共 9