1.   Currently, patients at risk of familial adenomatous polyposis undergo the ordeal of regular colonoscopic evaluation from early adulthood to middle age before the diagnosis can be confidently excluded.

2.   He also had to undergo the ordeal of a federal grand jury investigation into allegations that he had taken a bribe from fugitive investor Robert Vesco.

3.   Kramrisch did not, one suspects, undergo the ordeal in a spirit of scientific disinterest, and the emotional commitment and risk it entailed subtly warms her scholarship.

4.   She underwent the ordeal of prodding and probing at a hospital hours later.

5.   So Virginia is about to undergo an ordeal that could well lead to her death.

6.   Tollefson has undergone two ordeals.

v. + ordeal >>共 73
survive 20.66%
describe 10.74%
recount 6.20%
end 4.96%
face 4.55%
endure 3.31%
follow 2.89%
discuss 2.48%
undergo 2.48%
handle 2.07%
undergo + n. >>共 573
surgery 38.13%
treatment 9.83%
test 6.70%
operation 3.34%
change 3.27%
chemotherapy 1.80%
therapy 1.51%
training 1.49%
procedure 1.32%
repair 1.12%
ordeal 0.07%
每页显示:    共 6