1.   Popular support would be undercut by political developments.

2.   And, many added, his announcement may undercut public support for legitimate research on cloning that could advance medical progress.

3.   Another is that it could undercut popular support for Arab governments friendly to the United States.

4.   But Democratic leaders questioned the merits of a school choice program that they said would only serve to undercut public support for public education.

5.   By stressing the issue, Franks hopes to undercut support among conservatives for his Republican opponent, Bret Schundler, who opposes abortion rights.

6.   Dismantling or even temporarily suspending the gasoline tax, as some politicians have already tried to do, would undercut necessary support for essential facilities.

7.   Huffington claims that Feinstein undercut Democratic support for a balanced-budget plan -- assuring its defeat -- when she threw her support to an alternate proposal.

8.   The Clinton emphasis on engagement and trade has severely undercut American support for human rights and democracy in China.

9.   The move undercuts labor support for the California Nurses Association.

10.   They darkly suggest that he is in league with China and Russia to undercut support for an U.s. missile shield.

v. + support >>共 379
have 9.21%
win 5.39%
express 5.29%
provide 4.64%
receive 3.65%
seek 3.13%
get 2.63%
give 2.62%
offer 2.36%
gain 2.31%
undercut 0.12%
undercut + n. >>共 292
price 6.76%
effort 6.47%
support 3.74%
competitor 3.17%
authority 2.88%
argument 2.30%
rival 2.16%
competition 1.87%
claim 1.44%
credibility 1.44%
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