1.   Manufacturers often set different prices for their goods in different countries, but unofficial importers can undercut these prices.

2.   The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated.

3.   The store sells its own brand of jeans, undercutting the prices of better-known brands.

4.   AMD has not released a price for its coming chip, but the company usually aims to undercut Intel prices.

5.   And hundreds of small companies are undercutting its prices to grab a piece of the consumer long-distance market before the Baby Bells weigh in.

6.   And dozens of small companies are undercutting its prices to grab a piece of the consumer long-distance market before the Baby Bells weigh in.

7.   And they also charge that by undercutting prices, the vendors damage the very businesses that employ Harlem residents.

8.   As Asian currencies plunge against the dollar, their exports to the U.S. become much less expensive in dollar terms, undercutting the prices of U.S. producers.

9.   Besides hard work and untold hours, you have golf discount stores undercutting your prices and nearby driving ranges offering cut-rate lessons.

10.   A company with access to huge amounts of cheap nuclear power could squeeze out a profit while undercutting the prices of other marketers, Rubin said.

v. + price >>共 557
raise 9.99%
pay 7.30%
cut 3.75%
push 3.50%
lower 3.31%
boost 3.16%
send 2.02%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.86%
set 1.83%
undercut 0.25%
undercut + n. >>共 292
price 6.76%
effort 6.47%
support 3.74%
competitor 3.17%
authority 2.88%
argument 2.30%
rival 2.16%
competition 1.87%
claim 1.44%
credibility 1.44%
每页显示:    共 47