1.   And since most of the uncounted vote came from Merida, the state capital, where Patron and his party are strongest, the victory seems to be sealed.

2.   In addition to the Florida snafus, problems turned up in other states, from shifting hours in Missouri to missing ballots in Connecticut to uncounted votes in Massachusetts.

3.   In counties with Democratic majorities, more of the chads represent previously uncounted Democratic votes.

4.   That is because all across Dade County uncounted votes were particularly likely to be found in precincts that were heavily Democratic, and heavily black.

5.   The recount has not, so far at least, shown the bounty of uncounted votes for Gore that his campaign workers had expected.

6.   Thus, it is likely that the uncounted votes will split much like the already-counted votes, she said.

7.   And there are more than enough uncounted votes to decide the outcome of this election.

8.   But a Georgia study of optical scan voting found places with large minority populations had much higher numbers of uncounted votes than the rest of the state.

9.   But questions about the uncounted votes lingered.

10.   CBS blamed VNS, saying the consortium provided incorrect information on uncounted votes.

a. + vote >>共 555
final 6.59%
popular 4.76%
electoral 3.18%
presidential 2.62%
the 2.42%
first 2.13%
parliamentary 2.07%
unanimous 1.94%
new 1.85%
single 1.66%
uncounted 0.25%
uncounted + n. >>共 45
ballot 21.05%
vote 19.55%
thousand 13.53%
number 6.77%
million 5.26%
ton 2.26%
billion 1.50%
money 1.50%
time 1.50%
chicken 0.75%
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