1.   During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!

2.   But for the most part, uncertainty reigns.

3.   In the Kansas City Value Line, stock-index futures seesawed in tandem with bonds as uncertainty reigned on the prospects for rising inflation and higher interst rates.

4.   Now, uncertainty reigns.

5.   Uncertainty also reigned for customers caught in the middle as competitors such as Federal Express and RPS Inc. pushed their delivery systems to Christmastime-like loads.

n. + reign >>共 288
confusion 13.32%
chaos 7.64%
peace 5.15%
silence 3.91%
anarchy 3.37%
calm 2.31%
optimism 2.13%
atmosphere 1.42%
pandemonium 1.07%
style 1.07%
uncertainty 0.89%
uncertainty + v. >>共 234
be 37.44%
remain 6.26%
make 3.26%
surround 1.85%
continue 1.67%
have 1.15%
persist 0.97%
cause 0.88%
exist 0.88%
come 0.88%
reign 0.44%
每页显示:    共 5