1.   It has won the endorsement of President Clinton, the overwhelming support of the House and unanimous approval by the Senate.

2.   It would require the unanimous approval of all member states, and Ireland and Luxembourg would be fiercely opposed.

3.   Magic Johnson is back with the Lakers, and his return to the court Tuesday night was greeted with unanimous local approval.

4.   Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.

5.   The meeting concluded with the unanimous approval of a resolution strongly condemning the policy of forced expulsions--the policy which had been given the name ethnic cleansing.

6.   Assuming there is a majority if not unanimous approval for savings in both in paragraph seven and nine analysis in paragraphs eight and ten.

7.   Although not affiliated with the Smithsonian, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum won unanimous approval from Congress after no debate.

8.   And her fiery emotionality, much of which derives from her childhood passion for opera, has not been greeted with unanimous critical approval.

9.   At every level, there was unanimous approval.

10.   Benjamin Netanyahu, the Likud leader, took one such step by calling for unanimous approval of Peres as prime minister.

a. + approval >>共 512
final 15.49%
regulatory 12.26%
congressional 9.21%
parliamentary 4.21%
federal 2.89%
formal 2.52%
preliminary 2.49%
prior 2.42%
legislative 2.28%
winning 1.74%
unanimous 1.61%
unanimous + n. >>共 123
decision 21.00%
vote 14.36%
support 8.84%
approval 7.99%
verdict 5.52%
consent 5.30%
choice 5.16%
agreement 3.96%
ruling 3.47%
voice 1.91%
每页显示:    共 112