1.   A sort of neo-laksa, made with udon noodles and barbecued shrimp in a coconut curry.

2.   Cook udon noodles according to directions on package.

3.   Japanese udon noodles can be included here, but some are made from corn flour instead of wheat.

4.   One of the most popular combinations is the fleshy udon noodles with smoked trout.

5.   Standards like turkey and egg salad share the menu with udon noodles and edamame.

6.   Stir-fried udon noodles with morels and fresh peas is the centerpiece of the picnic at your destination.

7.   The Japanese make soup with soba noodles or with udon noodles.

8.   There are some flat udon noodles, as well.

n. + noodle >>共 57
rice 18.97%
egg 12.31%
soba 8.21%
buckwheat 7.18%
ramen 5.64%
sesame 4.62%
udon 4.10%
lasagna 3.59%
stick 2.56%
wonton 2.05%
udon + n. >>共 2
noodle 88.89%
goreng 11.11%
每页显示:    共 8