1.   The tyres squeal like piglets around endless upward spirals.

2.   The tyres squealed as they braked, the concrete smooth as skin and slick with fluids that had bled from other cars.

3.   They drove off, tyres squealing.

4.   The tyres squealed as the Ferrari shot forward.

n. + squeal >>共 55
child 13.59%
girl 10.68%
tire 6.80%
tyre 3.88%
car 2.91%
farmer 2.91%
brake 2.91%
crowd 1.94%
audience 1.94%
piggy 1.94%
tyre + v. >>共 49
be 16.09%
blow 6.90%
burst 6.90%
squeal 4.60%
have 3.45%
puncture 3.45%
burn 2.30%
go 2.30%
begin 2.30%
crush 2.30%
每页显示:    共 4