1.   He brought his hands up to the typewriter keys and forced himself to begin.

2.   He defaced the typewriter keys with a file and made a special trip to Hertfordshire to drop it in a reservoir.

3.   And it could clean typewriter keys, remove lint, strengthen wrists during exercise and serve as makeshift earplugs.

4.   All except the poster are made from typewriter keys in various colors and faces, and delivered postpaid to North American addresses.

5.   But what struck me was the story of how typewriter keys got locked into QWERTY layout.

6.   Emigre, an industrial design house in San Francisco, features a line of computer fonts based on square, metal typewriter keys.

7.   Hot- and cold-water faucets, bulls and bears, golf balls and tees, handcuffs and typewriter keys are also being seen at wrist level.

8.   I missed the tactile sensation of working with paper, the visceral rightness of it and the familiar clacking of typewriter keys.

9.   The room is unheated, and in winter I had to use an electric space heater to keep my fingers from freezing to the typewriter keys.

10.   When a policeman types a report, the camera is underneath the typewriter keys.

n. + key >>共 207
car 25.96%
arrow 8.08%
house 5.03%
ignition 4.50%
room 3.97%
function 2.91%
encryption 2.78%
computer 2.38%
delete 1.99%
typewriter 1.46%
typewriter + n. >>共 46
key 14.67%
ribbon 6.67%
keyboard 5.33%
jewelry 4.00%
company 4.00%
repairman 4.00%
bell 2.67%
business 2.67%
fluid 2.67%
maker 2.67%
每页显示:    共 11